DNA Extraction

  • DNA Extraction
  • Product Code: DNA Extraction

DNA Extraction

EZ-10 Spin Column PCR Products Purification Kit

This kit utilizes membrane technology which selectively adsorbs up to 20ug of PCR products or DNA fragments in the presence of a specialized binding buffer. Primers (<40-mer), nucleotides, enzymes, mineral oil and all other impurities are unable to bind and are eliminated from the column. PCR products or DNA fragments are eluted readily in elution buffer. PCR products and DNA fragments can be used readily in all downstream applications including digestion, cloning and DNA sequencing. The kit can also be used for concentrating DNA fragments as well as removal of impurities such as salts and proteins.


1. Fast. Using a rapid spin column format, the entire procedure take less than 10 minutes.

2. High Recovery. For fragments of 100 bp-10 kb, >85% of DNA will be recovered.

3. High Quality of DNA. Purified PCR products and DNA fragments can be used readily in all downstream applications including digestion,  cloning and DNA sequencing.

4. Non-Toxic. No phenol/chloroform is required.


5. Direct manufacturer with most competitive price advantage.

96-Well Plate PCR Products Purification Kit

This kit provides a simple and  efficient high throughput technique for the cleanup of PCR products and DNA fragments from gel extraction and enzymatic reaction solutions. PCR products or enzymatic reactions are mixed with a specialized binding buffer and pass through 96 columns of the plate. Impurities such as enzymes, salts, nucleotides and primers (< 40-mer) are washed away. Pure DNA is eluted with a small volume of low-salt elution buffer or water, and is ready for downstream applications including DNA sequencing and cloning.



1. Fast. Using a rapid spin column and 96-well high throughput format, the entire procedure take less than 30 minutes.

2. High Recovery. For fragments of 100 bp-10 kb, >85% of DNA will be recovered.

3. High Quality of DNA. Purified PCR products and DNA fragments can be used readily in all downstream applications including digestion, cloning and DNA sequencing.

4. Non-Toxic. No phenol/chloroform is required.

5. Direct manufacturer with most competitive price advantage.


 Accessory Products

Cat no. Supplier Items Quantity
SB0485-100G Bio Basic Inc. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate), C12H25NaO4S MW 288.38, Purity > 99%, DNase, RNase, Protease: non-detected 100g
SB0485-500G Bio Basic Inc. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate), C12H25NaO4S MW 288.38, Purity > 99%, DNase, RNase, Protease: non-detected 500g
PB0451-50MG Bio Basic Inc. Proteinase K Tritirachium album, Activity: >30U/mg, DNase, RNase activity: non-detected 50mg
PB0451-250MG Bio Basic Inc. Proteinase K Tritirachium album, Activity: >30U/mg, DNase, RNase activity: non-detected 250mg
405010 Bioron Proteinase K 1g
405010 Bioron Proteinase K 1ml, 20 mg/ml
405010 Bioron Proteinase K 5 x 1ml, 20 mg/ml

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